Talent. Powered by you.

Whether you are developing your career or managing skills in your company, our technology will enable you to make the most of your talents. Aim for new heights, Boost.rs will help you get there.

Boost.rs enables individuals to create a detailed profile of their competencies, suggest career paths in line with their aspirations and expertise and support them in their professional development.

Free skills assessment

Boost.rs assesses both hard and soft skills – i.e. the expertise that’s invaluable to specific jobs and the less technical human strengths that can be taken with you wherever you go.


Our database is all-job inclusive (3,000 jobs in 27 industries), it covers an exhaustive skill pool (13,500 skills) and is constantly enriched with every new user.

Quick and easy to run

No implementation needed.

Self-assessment takes 15 minutes or less.

Jobs 3,000








Boost.rs allows companies to map the competencies of each of their employees, thus enabling to individualize career paths, customize training programs or create project teams.

Organization skills mapping

With users’ consent, you can access individual profiles and better understand the talent available inside and outside your organization.

Talent search

Using the power of our technology, Boost.rs intelligence can help you match people to positions, accelerate internal mobility, nurture potential, increase employee satisfaction… and fast!


Individualize career paths of your employees.

Tailor succession planning.

Customize learning & development programs.

Boost.rs uses leading technology to mine skills data, analyze your talents and identify opportunities in a user-friendly format.

Big data to compare skills

Knowledge graphs incorporating the world's largest skills and occupations data (O*NET, ESCO, WEF) into fast-query noSQL databases.

Rooted in research by world - class organizations

Skills assessed are specific to the user’s position, and are based on databases from the U.S. Department of Labor (O*NET) and the European Commission (ESCO).

Artifical intelligence to analyze talents

Natural Language Processing for a robust prediction of skill set relevant to over 3,000 jobs (60,000 different titles). Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to recommend alternative career paths, listing the relevant skills to acquire.

Secure, private data

Your Boost.rs profile is fully private. You choose exactly which information to share. Our solution is NCIL, GDPR and PIA compliant.

Meet Boost.rs

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